duminică, 9 octombrie 2016

Romanian pickles peasant.

Pickles peasant Ingredients:

*carrots, bell peppers, green tomatoes, cauliflower, cucumber.

For each jar - two rods horseradish, celery Funzi March 1 dried dill flower 1 pepper, 2 cloves garlic, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon mustard.

Liquid Composition 1 jar 1500 ml - 1 tablespoon salt, 2 tablespoons honey 5 tablespoons vinegar, as water contains 1 sachet preservative 4 1,500 ml jars.

1)Preparation peasant Pickles Vegetables to be fresh and healthy at optimal ripeness for canning. Vegetables should be well cleaned.
2)Be washed in a large amount of water to be driven all foreign bodies and impurities.
3) Alternatively vegetables in jars and add water until the jars thread. Put water in a saucepan with salt and vinegar boil.
4) Over vegetable sticks add horseradish, pepper, and mustard and topped funzele add celery.
5) When the liquid composition gave a boil, remove from heat, mix with honey and then pour over hot preservative vegetables and jars stapled.
6) Are wrapped with table-cloths and let it cool slowly until the next day.
Store in cool, dry place.
Pickles are served at meat.
For any questions feel free to ask me!!!!

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